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Robolink was established in 2012 in order to encourage students to learn about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) in an engaging way with robotics kits. We are passionate about robotics, engineering, and education. In an increasingly technology driven world, we believe in nurturing future inventors and innovators to become passionate about science, engineering, and coding.

Why Students Should Learn to Code

Getting students to learn an entirely new language is hard. Learning multiple coding languages can be even more daunting, but tackling those challenges has become an important aspect of STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) education. With technology taking over the world, there are plenty of reasons it’s important for students to learn how to code.


It’s a Digital World

Technology is everywhere. Coding and computer literacy are becoming as important as reading, writing, and math. Learning how to code on a programmable robot can help students understand the world around them better. Most people don’t understand how technology works, and often take it for granted. Sufficiently advanced technology can appear to be magic unless the systems and coding that make it work are understood. This gives students a greater appreciation for the technology working all around them. Coding can have a real-world impact, which increases engagement as students see how they can effect the world around them.

Coding Builds Career Skills

Coding is a skill that can quickly turn into a career. Oracle noted in 2015 that there were 6.8 million job openings in the U.S. that required coding skills. They predicted that there would be a 7.2% growth across all jobs requiring coding skills in the next 10 years. The ability to build a robot kit and program it will teach skills that can transfer to any number of jobs across a variety of job sectors. Plus, coding experience can give students a competitive advantage when applying for colleges and scholarships.

Coding Teaches Creative Problem-Solving and Collaboration

When coding, there can be multiple viable answers to a problem. Students learn creativity and critical thinking while solving these problems. They can express themselves in this language, creating their own code and breaking complex problems down into smaller, solvable parts. They learn persistence and to keep working at a complex problem until it is solved.

Students can use teamwork, tackling different parts of the problem, and in turn, learn collaboration and communication. Figuring out how to make a drone kit fly around obstacles by following the code that a team created teaches all of these skills. A team can use the kit to learn how to code a flying drone, enter it in competition, and work to win through persistence and creative problem-solving. These skills directly translate to experience that’s useful in careers and life.

Coding Activates the Brain

A 2014 study found that five different parts of the brain were activated while students analyzed code for comprehension. The sections were related to memory, attention, and language processing. Language processing, in particular, was deemed essential to understanding the program and how it worked.

Encourage Diversity and Inclusivity

Anyone can learn to code. Any race, gender, or religion can sit down at a computer and write code. Encouraging this diversity and inclusivity early on in a student’s life can lead to more diversity and inclusivity in STEM fields later in life.

About Robolink

Established in 2012, Robolink encourages students to engage with STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) using robotics kits that are fun, cute, and packed with real tech. They are passionate about robotics, engineering, and education, and believe in nurturing future inventors and innovators. They currently operate in two learning centers in San Diego, CA, and run after-school programs in 15 elementary and middle schools throughout San Diego County. Their mission is to make STEM education accessible, engaging, and fun for both students and hobbyists.

See for yourself how Robolink’s educational robot and drone kits can help you or your classroom learn to code at Robolink.com

Original Source: http://bit.ly/2LsiIhA